VIVENDI Developments is a specialist commercial landlord and property developer focused on supported living projects.
At VIVENDI, each development project is a vision brought to life!

Our Services
Property Development
We specialise in property development with a proven track record for delivering quality, first-class developments without compromise.
Supported Living Developer and Investor
We are dedicated to providing homes for people with a range of support needs.
Our development and investment schemes connect with housing and care providers, helping the supply of quality homes and providing ethical, long-term solutions.
Property Sourcing and Project Management
We offer property sourcing and project management service to commissioners, investors or developers looking for lease negotiation advice and consultancy. Our extensive experience combined with extended sector expertise and insight enables us to provide value for money to our clients.

Our Story
We have been operating our established projects and properties portfolio since 2020, but in 2023 we rebranded to become VIVENDI Developments. This change allows us to implement our vision by combining all our portfolios, connections, offerings and experience under one roof, maximising the value we offer to our clients.